The European Microscopy Congress held at the end of August in Copenhagen was Europe’s premier event for electron microscopy and specifically ultrafast electron microscopy! With industry, academia and national laboratories in attendance, collaborations and excitement were nonstop throughout the congress. State-of-the-art ultrafast research was a hot topic at EMC2024 with thought leaders from Austria, Germany, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands and the US. Ultrafast electron microscopy allows researchers to study chemical and physical phenomena on the picosecond time scale as electron-atom interactions progress. Recently, researchers have developed optical (laser) + electron beam interactions near surfaces to interrogate the material and gain further understanding of 2D and quantum materials. Euclid’s laser-free ultrafast technologies and rf/cryogenic stages were highly-sought enablers for many researchers, as these innovations have been primarily seen in US laboratories until the recent addition at the Ernst Ruska Center (Juelich).
With attendees coming from primarily Europe, multidisciplinary cross-cultural teams attended in force, able to share their research findings and seek global collaborations. The next Congress will be held at the University of Liverpool in Aug/Sept 2026.
- CTO Chunguang Jing explaining the details of Euclid’s laser-free ultrafast pulser for electron microscopy.
- CTO Chunguang Jing scheduling follow up discussions between sessions.
- CInO Darrin Leonhardt reviewing Euclid’s laser-free ultrafast pulser for electron microscopy.
- EMC2024 Attendee map.
- EMC2024 European Attendees
- EMC2024 North America Attendees.
- CTO Chunguang Jing demonstrating the operation of Euclid’s ultrafast pulser.
- CTO Chunguang Jing sharing images of RF-biased, cryocooler stage for TEM.