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Accelerators & Radiation Sources, Accelerator Components and Advanced Ceramics

Taking accelerator technology to the next level

Euclid’s cutting-edge solutions for the accelerator community are an outgrowth of the company’s partnerships with national labs including BNL, Fermilab and Argonne, through research funded by SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) grants from DOE in addition to other government agencies.

The conduction-cooled SRF Photogun

Euclid’s conduction cooled Nb3Sn SRF photogun requires only 2W of RF power and one cryocooler, making the beamline compact and affordable. Our innovative conduction cooling approach uses a single cryocooler with no liquid helium or nitrogen baths or auxiliary cooling technologies.

Need cryogenic sample testing? Do it with our new cryogenic conduction cooling design: 0.1K variation at 4K with a large sample

Cryocooler Stage 2 (4K). Placing one stage inside the other leverages the cumulative use of two stages, allowing flexibility and more precise control of the sample temperature.

The ultra-compact accelerator

Our novel MeV range electron source has two critical features for any space-limited applications: an Ultra-nano Crystal Diamond (UNCD) Field Emission Cathode for high quality, 10 mA pulse current; and a Dielectric Loaded Accelerator (DLA). By using a high permittivity dielectric, the size of the DLA is comparable to the thickness of a pencil. In addition to being compact, the entire system also weighs significantly less than a comparable traditional accelerator.

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All components fit inside an easy-to-transport carrying case.

Orange –flux concentration region
Purple – fringe field reducer
Red – water cooled coil

The UEM/UED flux concentrator and ultra-compact lens

Our design reduces the weight and size by 100 times versus a bulky Tesla-level DC objective lens. We use a flux concentrated-based pulsed solenoid with two slots to eliminate the dipole fields, ferrite to reduce the fringe fields and a high stability power supply and pulser to reach 10ppm field stability.

L-BAND UHV RF window

Euclid has provided L-band RF windows using advanced ceramics technology for Argonne National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Los Alamos National Laboratory, among others.

Main features:

  • UHV (10 -10 Torr)
  • Thin film TiN coating to reduce multipacting
  • Optimized fabrication process to minimize cost

Euclid’s continually evolving line of accelerator and advanced materials solutions

The above are just a sampling of Euclid’s innovative product line. Contact us to find out more about products such as:

  • Ferroelectric-based fast tuner
  • Halo beam position and phase monitors
  • THz sources
  • Many guns including S-Band Photogun and S-band Thermionic RF Gun
  • Ferroelectric materials: low loss conductive ceramic (MgTi-Oxide)
  • Ferroelectrics for RF cavities tuning at cryogenic temperatures including dark matter detectors
  • Brazeless technology and design for low-cost and low-risk manufacturing of components