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Euclid’s Alexei Kanareykin and Ryan Gnabasik delivered a seminar titled, “Probing Ultrafast Phenomena with RF-Driven Transmission Electron Microscopy” on Monday, February 24th to students and faculty at Penn State’s Material Research Institute (MRI). The talk covered Euclid’s history and then focused in on the development and working principles of our UltraFast Pulser system. In addition, Euclid showcased research from our collaborators at NIST and BNL including a new study on the dynamics of spin-wave formation and propagation in permalloy1.

Euclid would like to thank Prof. Yang Yang and his student Yongwen Sun for organizing and hosting this opportunity. Euclid was able to tour the state-of-the-art electron microscopy facility under the MRI and meet with various faculty to discuss future collaborations.