SRF technologies for next generation high-energy applications
Euclid has been at the forefront of advancements in the SRF technologies essential to next generation state-of-the-art, high-energy accelerators from particle-colliders at national labs to compact systems. Our conduction-cooled SRF photogun reduces cost and footprint while boosting CW performance while our traveling wave cavities achieve higher field gradients with high efficiency. We supply both turnkey laboratory systems and innovative customized components.
The first
SRF photogun
Recent Euclid innovations make the advantages of SRF photoinjectors practical for a broad range of accelerator applications. For example, SRF technology was prohibitively expensive for industrial use due to expensive cryogenics, scale and other issues, until two recent advancements: Nb3Sn and our innovative conduction cooling principle developed in collaboration with Fermilab, which is now used all around the world.
Our L-band system is a turnkey solution including SRF cavity, “dry” cryomodule cooled by closed-cycle cryocooler and LLRF control system. We are proud to be the first private company in the world to realize SRF technology which does not require humongous National Lab scale infrastructure. This is truly pioneering work.

A helium-free, maintenance-free tabletop system for UEM/UED
Euclid’s game-changing innovation: replacement of costly liquid-helium-cooled cryomodules with a new conduction-cooling solution that achieves high performance CW (continuous wave) operation while reducing cost and size, all in a compact tabletop system. Our photogun provides ultra-stable electrons making it ideal for ultrafast electron microscopy (UEM) and consumes only 2W of RF power.

1.5+ MeV TEM the old way

1.5+ MeV TEM the Euclid way
It provides ‘big beamline’ performance (1.5+ MeV performance, high brightness and true one-shot imaging) in a turnkey UEM system under 3m tall versus the typical 10m tall equivalent. Currently, MeV scale instruments based on HV DC (13m tall giants) are substituted by high power RF normal conducting (NC) photoinjectors which operate at 1kHz rep rate at most. Euclid made one more step forward in pushing the boundaries of UEM/UED with our conduction-cooled SRF photoinjector, which provides CW operation with up to 1.3GHz rep rate and eliminates the need of high power RF sources (MW klystrons) required for NC photoinjectors. Euclid’s SRF photoinjector requires only few Watts’ solid state amplifier, for more stable operation. One application for this innovation is at an MeV-scale electron microscopy user facility at the Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Traveling wave SRF cavities for high energy physics
Our traveling wave cavities achieve the highest field gradient possible in an SRF cavity, ideal for next generation high energy physics machines requiring higher gradient capabilities. Accelerating gradient is 1.5X higher, with an improved transit time factor and a closed-loop feedback waveguide for improved efficiency.

Dressed Conical Half-Wave Resonator for cryogenic efficiency and mechanical stability
Within this vessel “dressing” is Euclid’s 162.5 MHz Conical Half-Wave Resonator, a solution for the low β (velocity) portion of SRF proton linacs. A unique optimized design provides higher efficiency due to reduced surface magnetic fields, requiring less cryogenic capacity for cooling. Also, the design is optimized to be insensitive to mechanical vibrations known as microphonic, which relaxes RF control and power requirements.
Detachable Coaxial Coupler: advancing SRF cavity design
At 26 MV/m our Detachable Coaxial Coupler has the highest field gradient ever reached with a superconducting joint, to significantly advance the design of the next generation superconducting cavities. Coaxial beam pipe coupler provides perfect axial symmetry reducing the beam dipole kick down to zero while being compatible with conventional TTF-3 power coupler. A must have solution for demanding beam quality applications such as colliders and free electron lasers (XFEL’s).