As part of an ongoing educational outreach program, Euclid Techlabs scientist Ben Freemire visited Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) on April 30th to speak with faculty about teaching students the skills required for scientific jobs in industry.

Left to right: Prof. Bo Rodda, Dr. Ben Freemire, Ms. Lisa Montgomery.
While on campus, Dr. Freemire visited the 3DEXPERIENCE Education Center of Excellence in the Life Sciences, led by Professor Natacha DePaola, director of the Illinois Tech Digital Medical Engineering and Technology (IDMET) Research and Education Center.
Joined by Lisa Montgomery, Director of Elevate Experiential Partnerships within the Office of Career Services and Bo Rodda, Professor of Practice at the Ed Kaplan Family Institute for Innovation and Tech Entrepreneurship, DePaola and Freemire focused on the importance of foundational learning of simulation codes and how to incorporate them into the curriculum for STEM students. Ultimately, methods for melding simulation with experiment and data analysis are a challenge outside the classrooms, and earlier exposure to simulation codes makes the application much easier. Dassault Systèmes, is a founding partner and sponsor of IDMET.
Following the visit to the 3DEXPERIENCE Education Center, Dr. Freemire toured the Kaplan Institute, where Prof. Rodda highlighted some of the recent projects created by students of Illinois Tech’s Interprofessional Projects (IPRO) Program. The benefits of working in a multi-disciplinary team were highlighted, as well as directly linking students with industrial partners.
The tour was made possible by the Illinois Tech office of Career Services.